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lunedì 28 marzo 2011

Poggio is a very strange post

Poggio of Pines is a very strange post, me lo dic also my friends that non viv qui: "but why siet così, always litigating and danneggiating each other?".

I propr cannot understand. The Cooperativ aument the quots because non ce stan lots and money anymore and people protest dicend that the quots non se dev aument for the poor pensionats. Then they cerc to limitate the spes and reduce the personal, but also quest non va ben. The stess persons that dicon "no aument the quots" after dicon "not licenz, better aument the quots".

Poggio is a very strange post. Talvolt I ascolt people that dic: "Poggio is a disastr, the green, the piants are not cured, the buildings are all scrostated, the manutention is poor, we lost the piscin and calcett field. Why dev pagar the quot?". Then the Cooperativ, that cannot aumentar the quots and cannot licenz, cerc utilizar the guards sometimes for the little works with plants and manutention but also this is no good and protest.

Poggio is a very strange post. At the riunion I hear people that stracc the vests because at Pauliara there is no bridge and nobody do nient. So the Association 22 october organizated a beautiful manifestation "the bridge che non c'è" with television report in all Sardinia and the people of Poggio and Pauliara non ce van!

Poggio is a very strange post. Many people dicon that in the passat l'ambient was much better, there was friendship and collaboration, but quand they ask to make the vedett antincend that is very easy, nessun do it.
What to say about the guado? Qualcun dic that the Cooperativ must ripristin it but then send the letter to the Cooperativ with written: "You cannot ripristin. Stay attent. if you ripristin, you could be denunciat!".

Poggio is a very strange post. Before they say: "The Comun of Capoterr nun fa nient. Prend only the money from the tax. What a vergogn that also after the alluvion non aiut the people with the disastr". Incredibly bast that the vicesindac, before the election, come with a promess and suddenly the Comun di Capoterr divent the Paladin of Poggio of Pines.
In Poggio of Pines the politics is everywhere, not only in the Comune and the Cooperativa, but also the associations and the church are post where se fa politics and se smazzul the nemics.

Poggio is a very strange post. Imagine that in the Consiglio of Administration there is qualcun that non sa scriv the letters and ask the suocer to help. I think that it's a brut figure also because it's clear the different style. For this reason io GIUR that in this blog my suocer has never written a parol. It's all farin of my sack.

4 commenti:

Stefano Fratta ha detto...

I tinc that yu have some gud reasons to be skeptical about de comprescion of mera genti.
Wuat du yu wont tu du? De onli thing tu du is du de right thing, and go avant.
Is de same per tutt, fai everi cosa end the gent ti bersagl, but is not a gud rison to non du nothing, because if yu do nothing somuan mera peus will du it at yor post, and probabily will du is fattus suus... Know what I mean, my friend?
Go ahead, George!

Anonimo ha detto...

Si, poggio è un posto veramente strano, ciò che fa sorridere nel tuo elencare le varie incoerenze del posto e quello del consigliere di amministrazione che chiede aiuto al suocero per scrivere le lettere.
Sono d'accordo con Stefano Fratta
Vai avanti Giorgio

Giuseppe Esu

Giorgio Plazzotta ha detto...

Giusefh non prend sul ser this post. Considering that the ambient sometimes is pesant and the people is very piccol, I wanted to divert un poc.

Anonimo ha detto...

OK, capit
Giorgio,la penso come te sulle considerazioni! Is necesar also... I wanted to divert un poc.
Giuseppe Esu

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